Creating a home learning environment

home learning study

One of the big advantages of e-learning online courses is the ability to study from home, allowing you to fit your studies in around your day-to-day life. Although this sounds like a blessing it can also be a curse, as it means you have to make sure to dedicate time and space to being able to succeed. This is why it is so important to make sure that you create an environment within your home in which you can work productively.

Setting up a dedicated study area at home can help you get the most from your study time. It’s an easy and effective way to increase your overall performance and help get your creative juices flowing, without ever having to leave the house. Here are some study area ideas to help get you inspired.


Comfort is key

While it may be tempting to start thinking about all the fun and exciting ways to create your home study, one of the first things you should do is make sure it’s comfortable. Robert Bikesic from Open Colleges says that keeping the correct posture is key. “Try to sit upright and tuck your chair in to support your back while you type,” he explains. The NHS recommend adjusting your chair to make sure that your wrists and forearms are straight and level with the floor when you use the keyboard, and that your feet should be flat on the floor with your screen directly in front of you.


Go Green

There has been a huge amount research conducted into how colours can affect productivity. One colour that is known to offer many benefits is green, particularly when it comes to adding plants and foliage to a study area. According to studies shown in the Science Direct journal adding greenery to your study can help to increase a person’s ability to concentrate as well as reducing overall stress levels, all of which can make you more efficient.

The colours you use within your study can also affect your emotions and the way you think, which in turn can impact your productivity. This is why it’s a good idea to think about the colours you choose to decorate your workspace. Red, for example, can boost levels of alertness, while blue and green are known to boost creativity and are good for generating new ideas. Neutral tones like beige, taupe and white are good for creating a calming, stress-free space that can help your mind to focus.


Let there be light

Natural light is well known for being a way to boost your overall mood, so why not apply these techniques to where you work? Natural light can also be a great way to combat the effects of spending lots of your time staring at artificially-lit computer screens, and can help to reduce the stress this has on your eyes. Being in a room that is bright and airy can increase overall happiness, alertness and levels of productivity, so when you’re thinking about arranging your home study area try to consider windows and how you can increase the amounts of natural light.


Clutter-free is key

Much research has been conducted into the effects of clutter on a person, with many people saying that having an untidy home can affect the way they feel. Researchers from Princeton University Neuroscience Institute conducted a study into clutter, which found that when you’re in a cluttered environment your ability to focus is restricted. The clutter can also distract you and impact the way your brain processes information, when compared to processing information in an organised, clear environment. These effects can have an impact on people who are learning at home, which is why it’s important to keep your study space clear.

To help make sure that clutter doesn’t keep you from concentrating make sure you have ample storage to put everything away when you don’t need it, and try to minimise the amount of odd bits and bobs and sheets of paper that litter your study area. You could always dedicate 10 minutes a couple of times a week to clearing your study space or filing things away in their correct place in order to keep things under control.

Are you interested in at home learning courses? Check out our e-learning prospectus for more information about all of the online courses SAMS can offer.