It is estimated currently that some 5,000 people a year are dying from the effects of exposure to asbestos.*
Asbestos management in the workplace is absolutely vital. The Control of Asbestos at Work Regulations 2012 places responsibility on anyone controlling a building to identify and manage any asbestos within.
It is important that staff and contractors are not only made aware of any asbestos present, but also understand how to manage asbestos and protect themselves from any harm or damage as a result of the asbestos. If asbestos is not dealt with correctly then not only will it affect the health and well-being of employees, but it could also lead to judicial repercussions.
It’s vital to understand the laws and legislation around asbestos, as well as the risks involved. SAMS offers both e-learning and classroom based courses on Asbestos awareness and management, so you can be sure you are adhering to regulations. We also help companies develop asbestos management plans.

Effects of asbestos
Individuals exposed to asbestos fibres may find themselves suffering from long term and, eventually, fatal health problems. These may not become apparent for anywhere up to 30 years after initial exposure, meaning asbestos poisoning is often not identified until it’s too late.
How SAMS can help
We assist small and medium sized companies in the development of asbestos management plans and associated assessments.
We are accredited by UKATA (UK Asbestos Training Association) to deliver IATP asbestos awareness training and UKATA asbestos awareness online courses to persons who may be exposed to asbestos during their work activity.
Asbestos Management Plans
We are available to work with businesses to set up asbestos management programmes in your workplace ensuring that all employees are aware of, and compliant with, asbestos regulations. We offer associated assessments and courses to bring all employees up to date.
Please contact us for further information.
Asbestos Classroom Training and E-Learning Courses
SAMS understand that businesses need training that fits in around their employees. That’s why we offer a mix of classroom based and e-learning courses on asbestos management and awareness so you can choose what best suits you.
Our UKATA accredited Asbestos Awareness online training is ideal for organisations, sole traders or contractors and includes the identification of types and properties of asbestos, uses of asbestos and likely locations of ACMs in buildings and plant, the risks of asbestos, entry routes in the body and the health effects, asbestos legislation and emergency procedures.
E-learning is a convenient and cost-effective option for meeting the requirements of Regulation 10 of the Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012 and Approved Code of Practice L143 ‘Managing and working with asbestos’.
Our classroom based UKATA accredited Asbestos Awareness takes the e-learning course a step further. It’s ideal for anyone who is required to work with any Asbestos Containing Materials (ACMs) and takes place over half a day in a classroom environment.
* Source: