most unsafe christmas movies banner

The 8 Most Unsafe Christmas Movies in History

Don’t fool yourself with the tinsel and turkey and presents – Christmas is the most terrifying time of the year. Whether it’s the fire risk from trees, slipping on ice or climbing ladders to put up lights, the winter months are packed with mortal danger.  Nowhere is this better showcased than the ultimate seasonal evil:… Read More

5 winter safety tips for office & remote workers

We all know that winter can be hazardous in certain jobs, but we tend to think of it as an outdoor issue. Yet walls and windows don’t always make a huge difference when it comes to winter safety – and there are plenty of other potential safety issues beyond the snow and cold. Office workers… Read More

Asbestos Awareness Course Online

MPs investigate toxic legacy of asbestos in hospitals & schools

We’ve written extensively in the past about the issue of asbestos in public buildings, namely in thousands of schools and hospitals across the country. Evidence and common sense both suggest that this issue is a ticking time bomb, and not a legacy problem. The presence of asbestos in public buildings can be directly tied to… Read More

The most dangerous Christmas gifts of all time

Christmas is a time for family, food, fun, football, and a passing interest in the Queen’s speech. However old and crotchety you get, though, one of the main attractions is presents. From the satisfaction of a gift well received to the excitement of getting something you wanted (or didn’t know you wanted), gifts are part… Read More

black friday sale banner

Why do we have Black Friday?

From the 24th of November to the 29th December we will be offering 15% off our Zoom training courses (offer excludes already discounted courses)! If you were thinking about purchasing a course and studying with our expert trainers, there’s never been a better time. Why does Black Friday exist? Black Friday is known as the… Read More

Who are UKATA?

UKATA, also known as the UK Asbestos Training Association, have set the UK standards for asbestos training since 2008. According to reports from the HSE, asbestos affects thousands of people each year, including the estimated 5000 construction workers that die from asbestos exposure. UKATA recognised the urgency of finding a way to prevent these deaths,… Read More

woman with whiteboard supervising first aid for mental health

First Aid for Mental Health: choosing the right course for you

We generally think of first aid as an ability to respond to physical health issues, and provide timely support in the workplace. Yet due to a number of growing pressures, the need to address mental health concerns at work is being much more widely recognised. The pandemic and its associated financial difficulties have driven this… Read More

Why NEBOSH is the king of health & safety courses

Use code NG10 for 10% off our NEBOSH health and safety in Construction, offer ends 24/05/2022 – Click here   While we put in the same passion and take the same pride from all of our courses, NEBOSH has a special place in our hearts. Our dedication to delivering the highest standard of NEBOSH training… Read More

CSCS Green Card trained construction workers

CSCS Green Card guide: which course should I take? 

The CSCS Green Card for labourers is one of the most sought after safety certifications in the UK, and a requirement for all Build UK sites. If you want to work in the construction industry, the CSCS Green Card is the minimum standard you are likely to have to reach to work safely.  Because our… Read More