Look around you

What do you see

A world that’s struggling

Due to you and me


Overuse of luxuries

And a lean towards routine

Without a thought of consequence

And what our actions mean


There are lots of different ways

We can all help the nation

Not just currently

But for future generations


We should re-use more

Really think about each action

Maybe fix a broken item

Which would only cost a fraction


We live in a spoilt world

And need to come together

For every living creature

It should be our great endeavour


Does your car burn fossil fuel

Are emissions running high

Would you consider an EV

Or at least give it a try


When you clean your teeth

Does the water fill the sink

Turn the tap off while you brush

And save more water than you think



All those appliances on stand-by

Rack up each and every bill

And what you don’t recycle

Becomes toxic land fill


Plant flowers in your garden

Which will help to save the bees

Stop printing every email

And preserve our gorgeous trees


We are supermarket slaves

And spend a fortune on provisions

If we plan our shopping better

We’ll make thriftier decisions


Plastic is flooding our lives

A problem we must reign in

We must re-use and recycle

And use the proper bin


As energy costs rise

Consider that its worth

Acting smarter, cleaner, greener

To protect our fragile earth


However you choose to help

Its never too late to begin

Just do whatever you can

For the world we want to live in!